Wednesday, June 13, 2007

i think i might just like all this after all

At the start of the year i had no idea what a blog even was. But I'm glad i learnt all about it and other clever things like links, RSS feeds, technorati and what not. I really enjoy putting photo's on flickr and checking out every one elses happy snaps and creative pictures. I've even used up my the limits of my free account.. MYflickr . I joined a few groups, some for photography and designs, music festivals and I was even thinking of getting a tattoo so joined the group 'tattoos on females' for some inspiration. turned out to be a really useful site as well. At the start of the year i decided i wanted to write down all the websites i came across which i liked but having them all bookmarked in one place where i won't lose them makes it so much easier. Using it to record sites I've used for my uni work as well as other interesting things I find along the way is really cool.

I have also experimented with the templates, fonts, colours. I think there is a good balance between form, content and function. I guess I thought about what I liked when visiting other websites and tried to incorporate these ideas into my own. I tried to incorporate pictures in my posts whenever I could and tried not to make my posts too long with too much jargon. So when writing definitions on things like HTML and RSS feed I used the description i understood the best so that anyone else who gets confused as easily as me might also eventually understand.

I want my page to be easily read and easy to follow. I kept my backgrounds plain because I find it hard to read text over a picture. I listened to Jo's advice and made sure i didn't do anything silly like make a page of red and green with nothing inbetween but stuck to colours that i think are aesthetically pleasing together. But i guess its kind of like interestingness and everyone is different in what they think looks good. Which kind of makes me think how can one person mark everyones work on how good it looks if everyone thinks differently on what they like. But then we are taught rules on things like colours, typography, sizes and spacing so perhaps thats how.

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